Annual programming
Program activities 2019

– Celebration of the “winter Solstice”
– Christmas-Scientific
– classical music Concert and talk newsletter in the local TTAA of Temisas.
– Film forum of documentaries about Astronomy. “Cycle Domingo Doreste”.
– Weeks of Science and Innovation in the Canary islands
– Chat dissemination in Aguimes: Mathematics and Astronomy.
– Program-workshop on “applied computer science” at the centers for teachers and students.
– Macaronight.
Observation public of the “Perseids”from the TAO, in the “Day of open doors”, with didactic activity.
Celebration of the summer Solstice. “Party under the stars” under a full program of activities: tasting of local products, concert, projection and talk to informative outdoors, and observation with telescopes.
Collaboration in the organization of “Pint of Science” – Science in the bars. Taught in the bar-café of the Museum Elder.
Talk informative in Agüimes
February and March
Cycle women and science 2019. III cycle with researchers in 19 conference. Organized in collaboration with the group of Medical Technology and Audiovisual of the ULPGC, in the framework of the project MACbioIDi and INVEPA and the municipalities of Agüimes, Las Palmas, Arucas, in the province of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna, in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. February 8 to March 22.
Carnival of the stars
Invitation to some murgas del carnaval de Agüimes to visit the Observatory.