women in science astrotemisas

The project Women in Science Canary arises in the academic year 2018-2019 as a collaboration between the Government of the Canary islands, through the ministry of Education and university (CEU), the Fundación Canaria Observatory Temisas and the Association of Researchers of Las Palmas (INVEPA).

Since Ancient times the woman has been involved in scientific research and technological development, although its share has always been relegated to a second term, going to the annals of the history of science, only a limited number of scientists and technologists notable as Hypatia of Alexandria, Ada Lovelace, Henrietta Swan Leavitt, or Marie Curie, leaving many others, the well forgotten by that story or well hidden by men, in a science of character androcentric, appropriated or disseminated these discoveries in his own name without citing to the authentic descubridoras, as are the paradigmatic cases of Rosalind Franklin physicist, Lise Meitner, or Esther Lederberg.

It is not the scientific field that is different than any of the other fields of society, where the highest level of excellence, leadership, and recognition has been traditionally attributed to man, as may be reflected in the award of the Nobel Prizes, the maximum recognition to the scientific work, in theory, where up to the year 2018 in which for the first time at the same time two women as a Physics Nobel prize winner and Nobel Chemistry, only 15 women had achieved this recognition, in front of more than 300 men.

With “Women in Science Canary” is looking to highlight the work of women scientists, who carry out their research work in the Canary islands, to the couple that awareness to the students, especially towards the students of our educational centers of the real possibility of developing science and technology, regardless of gender, where the effort and the taste of a discipline and the access to knowledge, scientific and technical, through active methodologies and motivating should be the ones that mark actually the possibility of getting to be a scientist or a scientist, beyond any other personal condition, and still less the gender of the person.

Looking from “Women in Science Canary” to present to the student, through an exhibition of rollups and a round table discussion with some of the protagonists of the exhibition, the reality of the scientific and technological research from their immediate environment, from the perspective of the women who currently developing his research work in our academic institutions, showing the real possibility of achieving the status of a researcher without the gender be a hindrance, or much less, a negative condition for the science and technology.

The main objectives that are pursued with this project are:

Motivating the students, especially the students, to take a second look, the subjects related to science and technology, despising the possible interest those subjects can give them, and even less for reasons of gender.
The promotion of gender equality among the student body, leading to work in teams that push for parity and equality both at the level of gender as a role in the development of a work in a collaborative way.
Develop the curiosity of the students especially of the students, by the subjects of scientific techniques through examples next to their environment, visibilizando the scientific action from the perspective of researchers who develop their work in institutions canary islands.
Boost in the teacher trainee to the use of active methodologies that allow us to develop actions related to the project that encourage among their students, especially female students, to investigate and disclose jobs related to the women scientists of the project or their fields of study.

The project Women in Science Canary arises as a collaboration between the Government of the Canary islands, through the ministry of Education and university (CEU), the Fundación Canaria Observatory Temisas and the Association of Researchers of Las Palmas (INVEPA).

The coordinators of the project are:

Esther Sanguino and Daniel Marin, coordinator of the area of Scientific Vocations and Creativity
(STEAM) in the CEU.
Lidia Miranda and Arabela Walnut Cross, professor, coordinator of the project on the part of the Fundación Canaria Observatory Temisas and INVEPA.

In addition, the coordinators have counted with the help of collaborators such as Maria Dolores Afonso Suarez.


The researchers incorporated into the project in this second edition are:

The stages of implementation of the project during the course 2019-2020 are:

Announcement of the project on the part of the ministry of Education and Universities of the Government of the Canary islands ( 12/11/2019) (https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/cmsweb/export/sites/educacion/web/_galerias/descargas/normativa-internas/resolucion_mujeres_cientificas.pdf)
Resolution of participating centres supported (https://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/cmsweb/export/sites/educacion/web/_galerias/descargas/normativa-internas/resolucion_listado_definitivo_centros_mujeres_cientificas_canarias_1920.pdf)
Start of the project in schools at the beginning of 2020

Soon we will publish some of the results, when the project ends in June 2020.

The dissemination of the project will be via the project’s website, STEAM, and the web page and the biodiver sity newsletter of the Foundation Canaria Observatory Temisas:

Website of the project on the Counseling
Website of the Government of the Canary islands
Our facebook
Our website

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